
Sunday, November 6, 2011

Uhhh.. What do I write about now?

Well. My Xbox is gone. It has been 2 weeks since I popped an achievement. That may not seem like a long time. Well, considering that I was averaging 3 a day (3 a DAY!!!) it's taking some getting used to.

What do I do now to fill my time? Seriously. After spending a whole year, 40 plus hours a week, day in and day out, I didn't know what to do. Well - Here are my new found hobbies -

A) Uhhhh... talking to people. Arguably, 80% of my communication was coming from headsets or texting. Is that ok? Really? C'mon America, that isn't ok. My participation in conversations with living, breathing humans had hit an all time low. Nowadays, I can at least say that I'm working on it. Gamers naturally are socially awkward. We all hate stereotypes, but it's freaking true. SO. I'm relearning how to talk to adults-that-actually-talk-to-people.

B) Wife time. Now that I'm not holed up in the spare room for 4 hours a day, I see my wife more. Does that mean I suck? No. Does that mean I sucked pretty hard in the past year? You bet your ass it does. Technology (in any form) is not more important than my wife. The amount of Xbox that I was playing clouded that, though. Not ok. Not ok at all. Just so we have this clear, technology < wife.

C) Gym membership / eating healthier. During Xbox, these were non- existent. Since purchasing an xbox, my weight has increased by 15 pounds. Once again, not ok. That's 52,000 calories that my body has to burn now. Fifty. Two. Thousand. Average male bodies burn 130 calories per mile. 52,000 / 130 = 400 miles. 1 year of Xbox added up to 400 miles (roughly) that I have to make up now. Here we go.

D) Survival. This past week, the Northeast got hit pretty hard with a storm. The storm still has power out for some people. That's a whole week without heat/running water/showers/hot meals, etc. Sucky. Are you ready if an emergency happens? I'm not talking the end of the world here, but I live in Montana. Realistically, we can get hit with a similar storm that shuts the city off for a few days. So, I'm getting a minor survival setup at my house going. It's a fun hobby. I want to be prepared.

E) And I still play video games. PS3. Not a lot. Not even a little. Less than an hour a day. I have to limit myself. It's too easy for me to get sucked in to big days of gaming. I put a halt to it. I've cut from 40 hours a week to about 4-5 hours. I can deal with that.

Now that I'm being more active and participating in society, I'm hoping to have a better, more fulfilling 2012. The path I was on was pretty sketchy, and I'm glad to be rid of it. So. Cheers.

Healthy time. (2,224 words for November. I'll be stoked if I hit 10,000)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude, straight up write whatever's on your mind to start out with. Then whittle it down till you have a general topic.

And you can always have a spot on Obsessive Rec. We need more geeks.