Also, I just found out about TrueAchievements.com. It gives you credit for each achievement based on how difficult it was instead of how many gamerscore you get. It's a really neat system.
For all of you PS3 players out there, you can't use this system because your console is gay/sub-par/for girls. But I still love you and hope to play FF13 soon.
Perhaps you think that nobody reads your blog and such insults will go unpunished. You are wrong.
I do read your blog, and I don't take such insults lightly. The greatest achievement I've gained so far is buying the 360 and grinding FF13 like no person has grinded before. I just spent my ENTIRE weekend walking back and forth fighting the same three battles while I gear up for coming bosses.
There should be an achievement for that. The Grinder. You wouldn't know anything about it chasing frivolous points when you could be earning real points playing FF13
Ps3s are way gay.
I mean, why waste your money on a machine thats half as powerful as a 360?
because the online play is free?
great, the online for playstation also sucks because it has no funding to maintain its servers. Boom
this is joe btw
Joe, first of all, are you too lazy to just create your own blogger profile?
Secondly, my PS3 is rocking my world right now. Now take a minute and figure out how to play a real RPG. You haven't even begun to game yet until you've mastered an RPG.
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