Boom. Lego Batman is done. I now hate everything about Lego games. I will continue to hate everything about Lego games. Then I will play Lego Star Wars III. It will erase past wrongdoings that this company has done to my mind, body, and soul.
I don't know what to play now. I have Mass Effect. I have Final Fantasy 13. I just don't know. I'm quite tired. Maybe I'll take a break...?
Ha. No. Effing. Way. Breaks are what Joe takes. Do I look like Joe? Do I ever get confused for Abe Lincoln? Nay, I say.
Nay. Joseph, I have passed you. Now I must destroy you.
UPDATE: I just put Mass Effect in. The case only contained the bonus disc. I didn't save the receipt from the pawn shop I bought it from. I guess that's on me, but serious, some jackwad sold them the bonus disc on purpose. And I bought it. So, my Mass Effect bonus disc is now in the garbage.
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