Hey it's Joe again. In my last post I referenced getting Alpha Protocol as my next game to 1000 point for the compition. Now Alpha Protocol is done, beaten and 675 pointed (Don't judge me) and the experience has scarred me for the rest of my life.
First off, Alpha Protocol is the espionage RPG, it puts you as Secret Agent Michael Thorton, with the task of saving humanity, oh and Thorton is also a rogue agent, America hates you.
One thing thats terrible about Alpha Protocol is the boss battles. Which are very unbalanced and pit you against some of the worst bosses I've ever come in contact with. The worst being Konstantin Brayko.
Brayko is a 32 year old weapon trafficker who's spent his whole life in the Russian mob, He's involved with a number of your enemies and is currently stockpiling missles for them, which is where you two come in contact.
Your mission is simple. Find Brayko, get the missles. Youre sent to his mansion in Moscow Russia which he's currently hiding and before you even get to the front door youre attacked by his Nylon-Sweatervest-clad minions (foreshadowing?) which are easily dispersed of but come in relentless numbers. So after about a dozen fights through various rooms you finally reach the "party room" guess who's in there.
Your pre-fight banter with brayko goes as follows
Thorton: Give me the missles
Brayko: No
Thorton: let's fight!
Let me reitterate that this is the dumbest boss battle of all time
The fight starts off with Brayko pulling out two gold plated uzis and hiding behind a full stack of Marshall speakers. I instantly turn on one of my abilities that slows enemies down and start pumping Brayko full of incendiary rounds.
just before he reaches half health, the fight is paused for a cutscene, its probably Brayko wanting to talk/surrender.
Instead he snorts a line of coke off his hand pulls out two knives and charges at me (I'm not kidding)
Without missing a beat I whip out my shotgun turn on another perk that slows down enemies and hieghtens my shotgun damage and knockdown and aim it at the advancing brayko.
I wait til he's within range and then I fire.
He's unphased, he's unphased, he's un-freakin-phased
he then reaches me and starts repeadetly stabbing me with his knives. I die, start over.
oh, and i forgot to mention that "Turn up the radio" is playing on a loop the whole fight. and it starts over if you die, thanks Obsidian
after a few deaths and singing along to turn up the radio i finally found a routine
1. Brayko starts off on the risers until your hurt him enough to activate the cutscene and "start the fight"
2. Brayko snorts coke then charges at you with his knives , he is also INVINCABLE in this state
3. He chases you for a set time until he goes down on one knee THATS when you shoot him.
4. after five seconds strobe lights activate that blind you and he goes back to shooting you from afar
5. repeat
After a bunch of runthroughs, contemplating suicide and memorizing "Turn up the radio" I finally beat Brayko. another dialougue happens where I have the option to "execute" or "spare" Brayko.
I wanted to kill him so bad. But if I did then I lose my chance at getting the acheivement of Sparing everyones life. 20G.
I hit spare, I hated it.
So after fighing a Russian Crime lord on a florescent dancefloor. and saving the world from impossible odds. I returned Alpha Protocol and bought Two Worlds Two (Which I only paid $10 for because of the wonderful people at gamestop) And Im now gearing up to break away from the pack and win this compitition.
Jesse, Josh. Tuuuuurn up! tha raaayyydiiooooo!
First off, Alpha Protocol is the espionage RPG, it puts you as Secret Agent Michael Thorton, with the task of saving humanity, oh and Thorton is also a rogue agent, America hates you.
One thing thats terrible about Alpha Protocol is the boss battles. Which are very unbalanced and pit you against some of the worst bosses I've ever come in contact with. The worst being Konstantin Brayko.
Brayko is a 32 year old weapon trafficker who's spent his whole life in the Russian mob, He's involved with a number of your enemies and is currently stockpiling missles for them, which is where you two come in contact.
Your mission is simple. Find Brayko, get the missles. Youre sent to his mansion in Moscow Russia which he's currently hiding and before you even get to the front door youre attacked by his Nylon-Sweatervest-clad minions (foreshadowing?) which are easily dispersed of but come in relentless numbers. So after about a dozen fights through various rooms you finally reach the "party room" guess who's in there.
Your pre-fight banter with brayko goes as follows
Thorton: Give me the missles
Brayko: No
Thorton: let's fight!
Let me reitterate that this is the dumbest boss battle of all time
The fight starts off with Brayko pulling out two gold plated uzis and hiding behind a full stack of Marshall speakers. I instantly turn on one of my abilities that slows enemies down and start pumping Brayko full of incendiary rounds.
just before he reaches half health, the fight is paused for a cutscene, its probably Brayko wanting to talk/surrender.
Instead he snorts a line of coke off his hand pulls out two knives and charges at me (I'm not kidding)
Without missing a beat I whip out my shotgun turn on another perk that slows down enemies and hieghtens my shotgun damage and knockdown and aim it at the advancing brayko.
I wait til he's within range and then I fire.
He's unphased, he's unphased, he's un-freakin-phased
he then reaches me and starts repeadetly stabbing me with his knives. I die, start over.
oh, and i forgot to mention that "Turn up the radio" is playing on a loop the whole fight. and it starts over if you die, thanks Obsidian
after a few deaths and singing along to turn up the radio i finally found a routine
1. Brayko starts off on the risers until your hurt him enough to activate the cutscene and "start the fight"
2. Brayko snorts coke then charges at you with his knives , he is also INVINCABLE in this state
3. He chases you for a set time until he goes down on one knee THATS when you shoot him.
4. after five seconds strobe lights activate that blind you and he goes back to shooting you from afar
5. repeat
After a bunch of runthroughs, contemplating suicide and memorizing "Turn up the radio" I finally beat Brayko. another dialougue happens where I have the option to "execute" or "spare" Brayko.
I wanted to kill him so bad. But if I did then I lose my chance at getting the acheivement of Sparing everyones life. 20G.
I hit spare, I hated it.
So after fighing a Russian Crime lord on a florescent dancefloor. and saving the world from impossible odds. I returned Alpha Protocol and bought Two Worlds Two (Which I only paid $10 for because of the wonderful people at gamestop) And Im now gearing up to break away from the pack and win this compitition.
Jesse, Josh. Tuuuuurn up! tha raaayyydiiooooo!
1 comment:
Dude. I had a fight like that once. For reals. True story.
Oh, I was going to tell you guys, you should check out the Rooster Teeth channel on youtube. Seriously funny stuff.
Check this video out. Hilarious.
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