Today I got to work on Pimp My Ride. This game has made me realize a few things about video games.
1) Some games just aren't worth getting 1,000 points on. This is one of them. I was frustrated with Cabela's, but this really put the nail in the coffin.
2) Almost every crappy game I've played so far is collection based. This is included. Somewhere, some dude cranks out 12 collection based games and makes a killing. Please stop. They suck. You suck. Move on.
3)Pimp needs to be taken out of the dictionary. It needs to be an unforgivable word, because...
4)When a game tells me to "Get Pimpin'!!!" I'm under the impression I need to go slap some women and force them into prostitution for money. That's not the case. I guess that means you go break an ungodly amount of parking meters and billboards. So frustrating.
I'm about halfway through the game. I just broke 23,000. Here's my logs.
9:00 am - Put the game in.
9:01 - Bombarded by the word 'Pimp.'
9:01:05 - Contemplate atheism/suicide/disc snap/any combination of said items.
9:05 - Begin to forget English.
9:40 - 4 Achievements for 100 points. They all come at one time when you Pimp (ahem... complete) cars.
10:50 - This games like GTA without guns/helicopters/Mafia/any sort of fun.
11:30 - Getting quite tired. Need a hot pocket.
11:35 - Didn't realize my microwave has a 'magma cheese' setting. Mouth = Destroyed.
12:00 pm - Break 23,000. W()()T.
12:29 - More hot pocket. I let it cool down.
12:40 - Something is wrong with the cheese. It refuses to disapate heat. Mouth = 2x destroyed.
12:45 - The quality of this game is astonishingly low. They waypoints aren't fixed on the map, as they should be. It's more a hot/cold view. They move around until you go in the direction they're in. Oh, and I'm driving a Pimped out VW van 100+ mph. Wtf.
12:46 - Achievement unlocked - Industrial Pimpin. 40 g
12:50 - Dear Lord, who gave this guy a TV show?
12:56 - When Ryan gets back from Hawaii, I'm punching him in the throat. I don't care if he's 10 years old.
Pimp:Pimp - Pimp Pimp Pimp.
1:03 - Awesome. The cars get harder to control. That's how they increase difficulty.
1:20 - I can't handle more of this game right now. I think we're halfway done. Time to put Pro Tools on my computer.
1:24 - I get a text from Josh. I'm not kidding. This is what it says.
- theMAYFLOWA - Pimp My Ride Mad Pimping in Pimp mode.
That's my status when people look at me on xbox. I. Hate. Everything.
2:16 - I was gone for an hour. I got it all set up. Then I found out I have no 9V batteries. No recording today.
3:19 - Hip Hop Pimpin'. 40 g. I hate this game.
4:13 - Nearing my goal for this game. I want 700 g. The big ones in this game aren't reasonable, and I feel sorry for anyone who has this game 1k. Dinner's coming up. I'll try to complete this tonight.
6:14 - I played some Bulletstorm. Man, that games fun, mang.
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