
Thursday, April 7, 2011


Played some NHL 2K6. Solid. 20 minutes for 750 points. I didn't even try for the last achievement. It was stupid. Also, the best way to get a penalty in that game was to punch the goalie in the face. Victory.

I've been jamming tons of Rock Band lately. I popped a few bass achievements yesterday. I'm number 6 in the world on "I Will Possess Your Heart." 100%. Woo.

I'm bummed that I found out I have until 5/3 with 3 games. That means I have to play a few more junkers. There's no point in having 3 AAA titles at the same time. I couldn't make any headway on more than 1 at a time, anyway.

Also, Rock Band went down to 20 dollars. Go buy it.

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